Things to Do to Stay Healthy and Secure While Working from Home

by CyberTest

Posted on April 5, 2020

If you are working from home in these unprecedented times, here are 3 simple tips to keep you healthy and secure both from cyber and physical security.

1. Working from home may have its challenges. One of those challenges is making sure your posture and comfort is well setup that you can do your job normally and stay healthy. Not having proper setup at home office can hurt your back and overall health. So make sure you have 22 inch or larger monitor(s) setup where you can connect your laptop so you don’t strain your eyes. Get office chair that is comfortable and helps keep your body posture straight. There few chairs out there but if you can spend some extra money then get Herman Miller Aeron chairs. It can help reduce pain on your back and it’s adjustable. Lastly if you can’t sit all day then get one of those VariDesk or adjustable desks so you can work standing up when you get tired of sitting down.

2. Staying cyber secure while working from home. Make sure you still lock your computer even if it’s few seconds that you need to be away from your desk. This is just good practice since we may have company or customer sensitive data that should not be seen even by our family members. Try to keep clean desk and make sure there are no confidential documents lying around on your home office desk when you are away. Lock those documents in your drawer when you are away from your desk. While cybersecurity is important don’t neglect physical security. It is best practice to keep your home doors and windows locked especially these uncertain times.

3. Do take breaks as needed to make sure you don’t stress out and keep your body moving. It’s good practice to take 10-15 min break every few hours or when you feel you have to. Doing some simple workouts like push-ups or sit-ups will keep your blood flowing and keep you healthy.

Be safe and stay healthy!