Mobile Application Security

Mobile App Penetration Testing

Each day a new mobile app gets added into the app store market. With every new app, there may be different attack vectors and weaknesses. Don’t let your mobile apps be a victim of a security breach.

Mobile apps are becoming more common as organizations rely on mobile apps to connect with users. While this brings new opportunities and user experience, it also creates common mobile security risks. Mobile application security testing involves testing a mobile app in ways that a malicious user would try to attack. It involves understanding what type of data it uses and how the data is transferred. It's also important to intercept using a proxy and test the APIs that call application back-end services.

We provide the following services to ensure mobile app security:

  • Pen Testing for Android and iOS Devices
  • Threat Vulnerability Assessment
  • OWASP Mobile Top 10 Checks
  • SANS Top 25 Checks
  • API Penetration Testing

Request Penetration Testing to Secure Your Mobile Apps.