Ransomware Prevention & Recovery Services

Ransomware Prevention & Recovery

Don’t fail to correct the security vulnerabilities that brought you ransomware threats in the first place. Many businesses who have been hit by ransomware threats repeatedly, are the ones who don't perform security assessments to prevent a ransomware attack in the future.

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is malicious software from cryptovirology that threatens to publish the victim's data or perpetually block access to it unless a ransom is paid. While some simple ransomware may lock the system so that it is not difficult for a knowledgeable person to reverse, more advanced malware uses a technique called cryptoviral extortion. It encrypts the victim's files and data, making them inaccessible, and demands a ransom payment to decrypt them. This type of attacks can be installed through deceptive links in an email message, instant message or website.

How to Prevent/Correct from Ransomware?

There are few things you can do to correct or prevent ransomware attacks. We have listed those corrective and preventive measures below that will give you knowledge and guidance you need to stay secure.

  • Backup Important Files and Data
    Backup your important files and data regularly. This is very important and corrective measure to be used as last resort if you get hit by ransomware and can't recover your data or don't want to pay the ransom.

  • Avoid Downloading or Running Software from Untrusted Source
    Attackers use fake email messages with a link to get you download and run the malicious software that can be ransomware. Avoid downloading and running software from untrusted source. If you not sure about the link you can use test virtual OS using VMWare or VirtualBox to open the link to verify. Also we recommend to check the grammar and the spelling of the message. If it looks strange to you then most likely it's a phishing scam that may be malicious.

  • Getting Security Assessment
    While Attackers normally use phishing scam methods to deploy ransomware they also look for weak networks, systems and applications they can exploit and deploy the ransomware. This vulnerable systems also gives the attacker an opportunity to do data exfiltration which can increase the ransom amount and cause reputation damage of the business.

  • CyberTest provides security assessments by using comprehensive vulnerability assessment and penetration testing of your assets to find hidden security issues. Our expert security team with over 20+ years of experience will provide you the consulting and guidance you need from start to end. This is one of the most important investments a business can make to protect their assets.

  • Ransomware Data Recovery
    If you have been hit with ransomware and your files or data has been encrypted and the attacker is asking for money to decrypt, you have a choice. Either ignore the ransom and do restore your entire system(s) from backup or you can hire us to try to recover your files and data. While there is no guarantee that we can recover all, we will aim to recover what we can.

Don't take a chance on avoiding ransomware attacks. Instead get a security assessment to assess your networks and systems security posture to prevent cyber attacks.